About the mass assignment vulnerability in Asp.Net MVC framework


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Following what happened to github in the past days (someone was able to hack a github repository exploiting a Ruby on Rails vulnerability to proof the point that this is in fact a vulnerability of the framework and a very dangerous one) there has been a lot of buzz and discussion in the web about  it and also about Asp.Net MVC framework, if it suffers from the same vulnerability and if it is to be considered a vulnerability in the first place.

What could actually happen using Asp.Net MVC model binding feature is explained very well in this blog article by Josh Bush, so I won’t repeat it.

A good solution to this problem is already offered by the framework, DataAnnotations! I’m using the same ViewModel as in Josh Bush’s example, with an extra row at the beginning:

[Bind(Exclude = "IsAdmin")]
public class User {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string UserName { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public bool IsAdmin { get; set; }

By using the Bind attribute, [Bind(Exclude = “IsAdmin”)], we are explicitly asking the framework not to update the value of property IsAdmin when we use the UpdateModel(user) instruction.

So even if the attacker will attempt to change the query string in the URL, the Model Binder will simply not use it for this particular property and your system will be “safe”!
